Die Planet-Wall-Dilemmas

(Stand The Motion Pictures)

Das wichtigste was es beim Deckbau zu beachten gilt, ist dass man durch sämtliche Wall-Dilemmas kommt. Die sogenannten Walls bleiben anders als andere Dilemmas nämlich auch dann im Spiel, wenn sie ihren Effekt bereits hatten. Dies bedeutet dass man solange nicht an ihnen vorbei kommt bis die benötigten Skills, Classifications oder andere Bedingungen erfüllt werden. Hier nun eine Liste aller Planet-Walls, unten eine Komplettliste der Skills, die man mindestens haben sollte um an allen Dilemmas vorbeikommen zu können.

Type Cardname Gametext Strategy
Alien Labyrinth
(Alternate Universe, Common)
To get through this maze-like structure and continue, Away Team must have a Tricorder OR 2 ENGINEER.
Alien Parasites
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Unless INTEGRITY > 32, Away Team infected. They beam back and opponent immediately controls ship and crew until "stopped". Then turn resumes.
Alien Parasites & Rem Fatigue
(Enhanced Premiere, Premium)
ALIEN PARASITES: Unless INTEGRITY>32, Away Team (if any) beams back and opponent immediately controls ship and crew until "stopped." REM FATIGUE HALLUCINATIONS: Crew or Away Team dies at end of your third full turn unless cured by 3 MEDICAL OR docking at outpost. [5]
Ancient Computer & Microvirus
(Enhanced Premiere, Premium)
ANCIENT COMPUTER: To get past requires 2 Computer Skill OR 3 SCIENCE OR 3 ENGINEER. MICROVIRUS: Unless MEDICAL and SECURITY present, kills one crew or Away Team member (opponent's choice). Discard dilemma.
Armus - Sticky Situation
(Official Tournament Sealed Deck, Premium)
Strongest Away Team member is "stopped" if another personnel present with CUNNING > 7 and Diplomacy, killed otherwise. Discard dilemma only if any personnel remain.
Assassin's Blade
(Deep Space Nine, Common)
(Voyager, Starter Only)
Unless CUNNING>36 OR 2 SECURITY present, assassin kills one personnel present (opponent's choice) except a shape-shifter or android.
Berserk Changeling
(The Dominion, Uncommon)
Unless 2 hand weapons OR 3 SECURITY OR Changeling Sweep OR Shape-Shift Inhibitor OR Interphase Generator OR Mora Pol present, kills a non-changeling present (random selection).
(First Contact, Uncommon)
To get past requires Empathy, Diplomacy, Morn, or any Scotty. All such personnel are "stopped", but if two or more present, one must continue (random selection).
Chula: Echoes
(Holodeck Adventures, Common)
To get past, three personnel present (random selection) are chosen. If the highest CUNNING among them is odd, all three are “stopped.”
Chula: Pick One to Save Two
(The Dominion, Uncommon)
To get past requires three personnel present (random selection) to face thialo. Choose one of those three to return to your hand, or all three are "stopped."
Chula: The Abyss
(Blaze of Glory, Rare)
To get past, three personnel present (random selection) must face the abyss. If their total CUNNING is odd, they are "stopped" and, if possible, relocated to Quark's Bar.
Chula: The Dice
(The Dominion, Common)
To get past requires one personnel with INTEGRITY > 6, another with CUNNING > 7, and a third with STRENGTH > 8.
Chula: The Door
(Rules of Acquisition, Rare)
To get past, two personnel must each contribute any one of their attributes to equal a total of 5 or 21. Nullify by placing any doorway out-of-play from hand.
Chula: The Drink
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Rare)
To get past, four personnel present (random selection) must be "tested." All four are "stopped" unless one has CUNNING<6 or CUNNING>9.
Chula: The Way Home
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Common)
To get past, three personnel present (random selection) are chosen. Opponent may relocate one to Quark's Bar or your facility if the other two have combined INTEGRITY<15.
Clan People
(Deep Space Nine, Common)
To get past, must have Opaka present OR CUNNING > 38 from up to five Away Team members.
(The Dominion, Common)
(Voyager, Starter Only)
To get past requires Leadership (or [Com] and [Def] icons) in Away Team and an OFFICER-classification personnel (or 2 [Def] Borg) aboard your ship at this location.
Dangerous Liaisons
(Rules of Acquisition, Common)
To get past requires 3 Treachery and Acquisition OR 2 SCIENCE and 2 SECURITY OR Ty Kajada. Nullify by discarding Recruit Mercenaries from hand.
Dead End
(First Contact, Uncommon)
Unless you have at least 50 points, cannot get past; place dilemma atop mission; it may not be attempted by a player with less than 50 points. (Unique.)
(Holodeck Adventures, Common)
Two personnel (one [holo] and one non-[holo]) are killed (random selection) if their individual CUNNING <9. To get past requires 2 Computer Skill remaining.
Executive Authorization
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Rare)
To get past requires a President, High Council Leader, General, Legate, Chancellor, Proconsul, Chairman, Intendant, Minister, Kai, Founder, Nagus, Governor, Queen, counterpart, or PADD.
Female's Love Interest & Garbage Scow
(Enhanced Premiere, Premium)
FEMALE'S LOVE INTEREST: Female crew or Away Team member (random selection) runs off with lover to furthest planet. RADIOACTIVE GARBAGE SCOW: Place on spaceline here. Mission cannot be attempted where present. Ship with Tractor Beam and 2 ENGINEER can tow Scow.
Ferengi Infestation
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Rare)
Opponent may download up to two male Ferengi to a facility at this location (or up to six if facility is Empok Nor). To get past requires 2 SECURITY and CUNNING>50.
Ferengi Ingenuity
(Blaze of Glory, Uncommon)
If one personnel present has 2 Computer Skill, discard dilemma. Otherwise, to get past, place on most CUNNING Computer Skill present (`stopped` during countdown).
Flaxian Assassin
(Deep Space Nine, Uncommon)
Unless 2 SECURITY and Biology present, kills one personnel (two if opponent has Tal Shiar in play) with three or more • icons (random selection).
Founder Secret
(The Dominion, Rare)
To get past requires a changeling OR Interphase Generator OR Croden's Key OR CUNNING > 40 and any tricorder OR STRENGTH > 70 OR four [Def] drones OR Breen CRM114.
(The Motion Pictures, Rare)
Unless two Away Team members each have INTEGRITY > 7, place on mission; destroys one ship here (opponent's choice). You must have a ship here to attempt mission.
Hanonian Land Eel
(Voyager, Rare)
Unless SECURITY, SCIENCE, and STRENGTH>50 present, kills Away Team member with lowest CUNNING or fewest • icons (opponent's choice).
Hazardous Duty
(Blaze of Glory, Common)
(Voyager, Starter Only)
To get past requires 2 OFFICER; then place on mission until solved. If any non-OFFICER dies here, its owner loses points (discard dilemma).
Hidden Entrance
(Alternate Universe, Common)
To locate the concealed entrance and continue, Away Team must have Geordi La Forge OR ENGINEER + CUNNING > 32.
Hippocratic Oath
(Official Tournament Sealed Deck, Premium)
To get past, most CUNNING MEDICAL present must help aliens (relocated with dilemma to nearest planet at another location). MEDICAL is "stopped" until countdown expires.
Hologram Ruse
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Experience enemy hologram trick. You are tempted to divulge secrets. Impassable unless INTEGRITY > 30 and CUNNING > 30.
I Hate You
(The Motion Pictures, Common)
To get past requires Anthropology, Youth, and no Music present. Nullified by Vulcan Nerve Pinch.
Impassable Door
(Premiere lim., Common)
To get through this door, Away Team must have Computer Skill present.
(Voyager, Common)
To get past requires 3 Diplomacy and INTEGRITY >30 OR Law and CUNNING >30.
In the Pale Moonlight
(Rules of Acquisition, Uncommon)
To get past requires a personnel who has INTEGRITY <4 OR a Federation personnel who has Treachery OR any Garak OR a Founder.
Kelvan Show of Force
(Mirror Mirror, Rare)
To get past, two non-android, non-holographic personnel present are selected (opponent's choice). One of those two is "crushed" (killed, random selection).
Lack of Preparation
(First Contact, Common)
(Voyager, Starter Only)
Non-Borg: Cannot get past (lose 10 points) unless you could have met mission requirements at start of attempt. Borg: Must have [Comm] [Nav] and [Def] to proceed.
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Common)
To get past requires four personnel present (random selection) to "form a lineup." All four are "stopped" unless one has INTEGRITY<5 OR INTEGRITY>8.
Make us go
(Official Tournament Sealed Deck, Premium)
To get past, most CUNNING ENGINEER present must help aliens (held with dilemma atop mission). At end of your next turn, cure with CUNNING >24 or place both out-of-play.
Malfunctioning Door
(Alternate Universe, Common)
To get through door, must have Soong-Type Android present OR a combined STRENGTH > 27 from up to four Away Team members.
Matriarchal Society
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
(Voyager, Starter Only)
Cannot get past unless at least two female Away Team members are present.
New Essentialists
(Blaze of Glory, Uncommon)
Unless INTEGRITY > 40 and 2 Honor OR CUNNING > 40 and 2 Treachery present, place one non-Borg Away Team member (random selection) atop draw deck. Nullify with Jamaharon.
None Shall Pass
(Deep Space Nine, Common)
To get past requires STRENGTH > 53 OR 3 Diplomacy OR 2 Anthropology OR Guramba.
Odo's "Cousin"
(Deep Space Nine, Uncommon)
To get past requires 2 Exobiology and Geology. If you overcome, one SCIENCE may stay behind ("stopped") to score points. [5]
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Common)
Unless Leadership present, kills one personnel (random selection) and "stops" all others present. To get past requires three [Stf] personnel OR three [Def] drones OR Nog.
Outpost Raid
(Alternate Universe, Common)
If at your outpost: two personnel are killed (opponent's choice) unless STRENGTH > 81. Discard dilemma. OR Elsewhere: requires STRENGTH > 18 to pass.
Portal Guard
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Unless at least one Away Team member has CUNNING > 7 OR Honor, the entire Away Team must beam up or die.
Primitive Culture
(First Contact, Rare)
To get past, requires 3 Vulcans OR Anthropology and CIVILIAN OR Vorta and 4 Jem'Hadar OR 2 Tal Shiar OR 2 Obsidian Order OR Acquisition and 2 Greed OR 6 Klingons OR 4 [Def] Borg.
Punishment Box
(Deep Space Nine, Uncommon)
Place on planet. Now and start of each mission attempt here, cannot get past unless one OFFICER is "placed in the box" ("stopped") until end of turn.
Q gets the Point
(The Trouble with Tribbles, Common)
To get past requires 2 Treachery or Mortal Q, but one such personnel (opponent's choice) is "forked" ("stopped") if opponent has Guinan in play. Nullified by any Guinan.
Sabotaged Negotiations
(The Borg, Uncommon)
To get past, four personnel present (random selection) "attend a conference." If their total INTEGRITY<24, each one without Treachery x2 is killed.
Scientific Method
(Rules of Acquisition, Common)
To get past requires MEDICAL and 3 SCIENCE.
Security Precautions
(Q-Continuum, Common)
To get past, Away Team must have Jenice Manheim OR android OR phaser OR disruptor OR 3 SECURITY.
Seismic Quake
(Deep Space Nine, Rare)
One Away Team member (random selection) is "stopped" if opponent's score is odd, killed otherwise. Cannot get past (shuffle back into seed cards here) unless Geology present.
Shaka, when the Walls fell
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Must have 2 Diplomacy and CUNNING > 30 to communicate and proceed.
Spatial Rift
(Voyager, Common)
Two personnel present (random selection) "disappear" (discarded) unless their combined CUNNING>14. To get past requires Astrophysics and 2 ENGINEER.
The Clown: Beneath The Mask
(The Borg, Uncommon)
To get past, one personnel must have total attributes>23.
The Clown: Guillotine
(Holodeck Adventures, Uncommon)
Unless 2 Diplomacy present, kills one personnel (random selection) and “stops” each personnel whose total attributes are lower than killed personnel until end of your next turn.
The Clown: My Festival
(The Borg, Rare)
To get past, crew or Away Team must have no fewer personnel than lowest INTEGRITY present and no more personnel than highest INTEGRITY present.
(Voyager, Uncommon)
Cannot get past unless at least half of personnel in crew or Away Team (round up) each have CUNNING>7.
Unscientific Method
(Official Tournament Sealed Deck, Premium)
Opponent chooses a number X. Randomly examine crew or Away Team one by one. If (INTEGRITY + CUNNING - STRENGTH) = X, discard that personnel and dilemma.
Wind Dancer
(Premiere lim., Rare)
To get past, Lwaxana Troi must be present OR at least one Away Team member must have: Youth OR Music OR STRENGTH > 9.

Liste der minimal benötigten Skills/Classifications:
Skill/Classification Anzahl
Computer Skill
Klingon Intelligence
Miracle Worker
Obsidian Order
Section 31
Stellar Cartography
Tal Shiar
Transporter Skill
weitere sinnvolle Wall-Breaker:
2 females
2 hand weapons (phaser/disruptor)
Borg Nanoprobes
Interphase Generator
any PADD
Dr. McCoy
any Founder
any Garak
Geordi La Forge
any Guinan
Jenice Manheim
Magistrate Drang
Mora Pol
Mortal Q
Kai Opaka
any Scotty
Soong-Type Android
Ty Kajada