Tournament Guidelines

Klingon Civil War Scenario
This scenario provides the feeling of the glorious war between the Klingon factions! There are few special rules to follow:

TeamPlay Championship
International teams with three to for players compete for the inofficial title „European Team Champion“! All games are rated based on Decipher’s team rules, meaning every single players‘ places are counted for the team rating whereas the fourth member is not counted.
Team A has the places 1, 4, 8 and 12 = 12 (1+4+8). Team B has the places 2, 3, 7 and 18 = 12 (2+3+7). So Team B has the better total rating and is the winner!
The following rules apply: GRAND PRIX
The Grand Prix itself is one standard constructed tournament (although players may belong to different categories). After six rounds there will be a final confrontation between every categories first two places.
Every player has to bring a valid decklist before the beginning of the tournament!

Reflections Sealed
For this tournament players use a Starter II and three boosters of Reflections. Standard rules apply but the card Memory Wipe has to bes seeded by all players!
Except for the starters this the cards will provided as a draft, meaning three to five players has to cycle their boosters till they are empty (a player takes a card from the boosters and gives the booster to his neighbour).

Voyager Warp Speed Constructed
This is an official Voyager Only tournament where Warp Speed rules apply! Only cards with a VOYAGER logo and all missions from the Delta Quadrant are allowed! In addition players may use original versions of reprinted cards (i.e. Distortion of Space/Time-Continumm may be used from Voyager, Premiere and as a tournament foil).

Best of Both World Sealed
For this tournament players will get cards from both Official Tournament Sealed Deck (OTSD) and Enhanced Premiere. Standard rules apply (not Warp Speed format)! This material is provided:

End of Days Scenario
This is a special multiplayer scenario which shows the different affiliatiosn at the edge of destruction! At the end of day all space will sucked in by a giant black hole!
The game:
For each round three to five players from a player-group (with different affiliations if possible). In the gameteable‘s center there will be seeded a Black Hole. Like prings of a star players seed their missions in different spacelines at the Black Hole – ending with the facility-mission (outpost, station, headquarters) as last mission like in Warp Speed format.
After each full round (all players had their round) the Black Hole will suck in a mission beginning with the starting players and then clockwise. The player who has the most points at the end of the game (when all missions are either solved or sucked in) is the winner!
Special rules: Examples: How to win:
The player who got the highest score of total points (at least 100) at the end of the game is the winner and gets a Full Win. All other players who achieved 100 or more points get a Modified Win. If victory conditions are changed by The Big Picture or Q’s Planet player have to get 140/180 points to get a Win. All other players get a Full Loss.
The differential bases on the difference to the fewest points any player scored. The maximum is 100. If two players both have the most points at the end of the game both get a Full Win.
