Sign in for the Grand Prix Convention 2001
23.11.01 - 25.11.01
Registration is final.
If this registration form does not work properly, please register per mail: Detailed Information about entry fees can be found here.
Last Name:
First Name:
male female

Entry Fees:
Enty fees have to be payed until October 31st 01
I am a: Beginner Intermediate Advanced Professional   <Show Categories>
Con-Ticket complete 23.-25.11.2001 all tournaments incl. sealed deck materials
Con-Ticket Day 1 23.11.2001 Klingon Civil War Szenario, Teamplay Championship
Con-Ticket Day 2 24.11.2001 Grand Prix, Reflections Sealed
Con-Ticket Day 3 25.11.2001 Voyager Warp Speed Constructed, Best of Both Worlds, End of Days Szenario
Single Ticket TeamPlay 23.11.2001 only participation at the TeamPlay Championship
Sigle Ticket Grand Prix 24.11.2001 only participation at the Grand Prix

Overnight Stay:
to be payed until October 31st 01
For Overnight Stay in the Youth-Hostel you need a membership in the german youth-hostels. The extra costs for the membership are DM 20,-- (up to 26 years of age) or DM 35,-- (27 years of age and above).
Overnight Stay Categories: none DM 0,--
overnight stay + breakfast DM 23,-- / Night
overnight stay + breakfast + lunch DM 31,70 / Night
Nights: Friday - Saturday
Saturday - Sunday
Sunday - Monday
Please send me an overview over Celle's hotels (Shipping DM 3,--)

Registration will be completed when we received the money on the following bank account:
Bank Code:25161322
Volksbank Burgdorf-Celle
comment: GP-Con 2001
If you pay via money transfer make sure that you bear all the charges.
For alternate ways of payment place a comment (below).
Payment must be received until October 31st 01 (overnight stay) and October 31st (Entry Fees). Otherwise you'll have to buy the Con-Tickets at the box-office [additional cost: DM 5,-- /Ticket]
Costs for Overnight Stay:
Entry Fees:


We will confirm your registration via e-mail once we get it.
The same applies to receiving the payment.