Woher kommt der "Omega Partikel"
Written by Spike at 01 August 2001 10:11:16:
As an answer to: The Borg Spoiler! 3 neue Karten!!! written by Dal'Rok at 31 July 2001 08:19:46:
[...]>Omega Particle
>Event - Countdown 3
>"Unstable molecule that can power an entire planet - or render
>warp travel impossible in the wake of its explosion. Designated
>Particle 010 by the Borg, who regard it as harmonious perfection."
>Plays on your outpost; any player may download Omega
>Directive or Harness Particle 010. When countdown expires,
>destroys outpost and all ships here; mission is span +3.Kann mir einer sagen was es mit diesem Omega Partikel auf sich hat? Habe die Folge nicht gesehen :-(