The Borg Spoiler! 3 neue Karten!!!
Written by Dal'Rok at 31 July 2001 08:19:46:
Gefunden auf dem Message Board von Decipher:
Four cards were depicted in the latest Scrye article, one of which is Decaren. Unfortunately for list makers, the cards were all numbered "0 X" (even Decaren!), so we can't confirm their positions yet. A summary of information from the article itself is contained below (including what I hope are all of the card titles not mentioned on the cards themselves).
[Enig] Borg Queen
Borg, Comm, Nav, Def, Delta
"We all originated from lesser species. I myself came
from species 125. But that's irrelevant now. We are
Borg...Our thoughts are one...One order, one voice."
*When reported, selects any skill; may change skill at
start of each turn. *May download any [BO] Event
or Interrupt card in place of your normal card play.
6 - 12 - 6
Omega Particle
Event - Countdown 3
"Unstable molecule that can power an entire planet - or render
warp travel impossible in the wake of its explosion. Designated
Particle 010 by the Borg, who regard it as harmonious perfection."
Plays on your outpost; any player may download Omega
Directive or Harness Particle 010. When countdown expires,
destroys outpost and all ships here; mission is span +3.
Relics of the Chase
Seeds or plays on table. Once per battle, your Hirogen
may capture an opposing personnel he just stunned.
Also, once each turn, your Hirogen using a Hirogen Talon
may place in point area one personnel he just killed in
personnel battle (or, if he is an Alpha-Hirogen, one
captive he is escorting); score points equal to that
personnel's highest printed attribute.
Other points:
- Borg Outpost and Adapt: Negate Obstruction are reprinted. No First Contact personnel are reprinted. The drones functions are replaced by implants, equipment, and new drones.
- Assimilate Planet and Establish Gateway are reprinted. Harness Particle 010 and some new objectives "allowing assimilation of an opponents personnel".
- Former drones appear as non-aligned personnel and can use many Borg related cards, such as Cortical Node Implant (which affects attributes).
- Non-Borg opponents can attempt to destroy the Omega particle.
- New Reg and Deanna.
- The three Ferengi from Inside Man.
- Alpha-Quadrant native Maquis versions of Chakotay and B'Elanna.
- Chakotay's ship
- A Fed/Romulan U.S.S. Prometheus, which downloads Multi-Vector Assault Mode