Harness Particle 010

[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]

Geschrieben von Jaglom Shrek [Amb] am 08. Oktober 2001 05:40:11:

Bevor dioe Frage aufkommt möchte ich hier die offizielle Antwort vom Major kundtun: ;-)

">The completion of scouting.....
>I scout with "Establish gateway". I get rid of the last dilemma. At
>the end of my turn, I download a "Change of Plans" with the Queen, I
>download "Harness Particle 010", download "Omega Particle" there. I
>end my turn. I now have 3 turns to probe correctly for "Harness 010".

No. You downloaded and played the Omega Particle during this turn
(even though it is the end-of-turn phase, it's still the current
turn), and it counts down at the end of this turn. Countdown cards
always count down on the turn you played them (if you played them
during your own turn). You will still have only two turns left to
probe... or maybe only one.

> Is this correct? I looked it up and "not yes scouted" meant:
>scouting not *ompleted*. Scouting is not completed until the end of
>my turn. So is this all legal, if not: what could make it legal?

Here is the text of Harness Particle 010:

Plays on table. Target Omega Particle (download if needed; it is
immune to Kevin Uxbridge) at your mission not yet scouted. Your Borg
may scout that location. After scouting complete, if your staffed
Borg cube there, you may probe:

It is legal to swap out the objective, because scouting for the
Establish Gateway is not complete until the end of your turn, so the
mission is still a legal target for Harness Particle 010. However,
after giving the objective text some more thought, I have decided
that each objective that gives you permission to scout requires that
you have completed scouting *for that objective* in order to probe.
You never scouted for Harness Particle 010, so you must scout it next
turn and then wait till the end of the following turn to probe. This
is no different than requiring you to scout a mission that has no
dilemmas because your opponent already cleared them out. The fact
that you are the one who cleared them is irrelevant -- they weren't
cleared out for the current objective.!"

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)


[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]