
(Stand The Motion Pictures)

Im STCCG gibt es zwar zahlreiche Missionen die Heimatwelt einer bestimmten Spezies, wie z.B. Ba'ku, Ocampa oder Trill sind, jedoch zählen im Spiel-Kontext nur die Homeworlds der zwölf Affiliations, wobei aber nicht jede Affiliation über eine Homeworld verfügt. Vorteile der Homeworlds ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit dort Headquarters (mit ihren free-play Eigenschaften) zu seeden bzw. sich dort per Defend Homeworld vor dem Gegner zu schützen. Ein Nachteil ist dass man seine eigene Homeworld regulär nicht attempten kann, dieses ist meist nur per HQ: Secure Homeworld möglich. Borg können Homeworlds per Assimilate Homeworld unter Zuhilfenahme eines entsprechenden Counterparts assimilieren.

Type Cardname Affiliations Gametext Punkte Strategy
Alter Records
(Deep Space Nine, Uncommon)
Bajoran Homeworld
Bajor - Bajor Region - Create false documents on Bajoran homeworld pertaining to Cardassian occupation.
Computer Skill x2 + Obsidian Order +2 OR Computer Skill +2 + Treachery x4
Disrupt Alliance
(Mirror Mirror, Uncommon)
Bajoran (Mirror) Homeworld
Bajor - Bajor Region (Mirror Quadrant) - Conduct sabotage operations on Bajoran homeworld.
SECURITY + CUNNING>30 + 2 [TE] leaders OR Captain Bashir
When seeded, you may download one Emblem card.
Orb Negotiations
(Deep Space Nine, Uncommon)
Cardassian Homeworld
Cardassia Prime - Cardassia Region - Negotiate for return of stolen Orbs still on Cardassian homeworld.
Diplomacy x3 + (Baj) V.I.P. OR [Orb] personnel
Any number of Orb artifacts may seed here.
Intelligence Operation
(The Dominion, Uncommon)
Dominion Homeworld
Founder's homeworld - Covertly compile data on current Dominion homeworld in the Omarion Nebula.
Navigation x2 + (Tal Shiar OR Obsidian Order) + Anthropology + (SECURITY x3 OR any Odo)
Espionage Mission
(First Contact, Rare)
Federation Homeworld
Any "Espionage ... on Federation" card may play here. Also, mission may be attempted if Selok in Away Team.
Earth - Sector 001 - Infiltrate Starfleet Headquarters and compile an intelligence dossier on the Federation homeworld.
Tal Shiar x2 OR Obsidian Order x2 OR FCA x2 OR Klingon Intelligence x2 OR 2 Founders
Deliver Message
(Rules of Acquisition, Uncommon)
Ferengi Homeworld
Ferenginar - Convey documents to Grand Nagus Zek on the Ferengi homeworld; beware enemy patrols.
V.I.P. + Diplomacy + Acquisition OR Quark Son of Keldar OR Nog
Expose Covert Supply
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Klingon Homeworld
Qo'noS - Uncover covert supply lines supporting rebels on the Klingon Homeworld.

Treachery x3 + Navigation
Cloaked Mission
(Premiere lim., Uncommon)
Romulan Homeworld
Romulus - Romulus System Region - Secretly escort covert operatives to the Romulan Homworld.

Navigation + Diplomacy + Honor
Search for Rebels
(Mirror Mirror, Uncommon)
Terran Alliance Homeworld
Terran - Badlands (Mirror Quadrant) - Locate secret base of escaped slaves.
SECURITY + CUNNING>30 + 2 [KCA] leaders OR Professor Sisko
When seeded, you may download one Emblem card.