(Stand The Motion Pictures)
Type | Cardname | Affiliations | Gametext | Punkte | Strategy |
Alter Records (Deep Space Nine, Uncommon) |
Bajoran Homeworld | Bajor - Bajor Region - Create false documents on Bajoran homeworld pertaining to Cardassian occupation. |
[Alpha] [35] |
Disrupt Alliance (Mirror Mirror, Uncommon) |
Bajoran (Mirror) Homeworld | Bajor - Bajor Region (Mirror Quadrant) - Conduct sabotage operations on Bajoran homeworld. When seeded, you may download one Emblem card. |
[Mirror] [30] |
Orb Negotiations (Deep Space Nine, Uncommon) |
Cardassian Homeworld | Cardassia Prime - Cardassia Region - Negotiate for return of stolen Orbs still on Cardassian homeworld. Any number of Orb artifacts may seed here. |
[Alpha] [35] |
Intelligence Operation (The Dominion, Uncommon) |
Dominion Homeworld | Founder's homeworld - Covertly compile data on current Dominion homeworld in the Omarion Nebula. |
[Gamma] [40] |
Espionage Mission (First Contact, Rare) |
Federation Homeworld Any "Espionage ... on Federation" card may play here. Also, mission may be attempted if Selok in Away Team. | Earth - Sector 001 - Infiltrate Starfleet Headquarters and compile an intelligence dossier on the Federation homeworld. |
[Alpha] [40] |
Deliver Message (Rules of Acquisition, Uncommon) |
Ferengi Homeworld | Ferenginar - Convey documents to Grand Nagus Zek on the Ferengi homeworld; beware enemy patrols. |
[Alpha] [30] |
Expose Covert Supply (Premiere lim., Uncommon) |
Klingon Homeworld | Qo'noS - Uncover covert supply lines supporting rebels on the Klingon Homeworld. Treachery x3 + Navigation |
[Alpha] [30] |
Cloaked Mission (Premiere lim., Uncommon) |
Romulan Homeworld | Romulus - Romulus System Region - Secretly escort covert operatives to the Romulan Homworld. Navigation + Diplomacy + Honor |
[Alpha] [30] |
Search for Rebels (Mirror Mirror, Uncommon) |
Terran Alliance Homeworld | Terran - Badlands (Mirror Quadrant) - Locate secret base of escaped slaves. When seeded, you may download one Emblem card. |
[Mirror] [30] |