Die bisherigen Captain's Order Karten
(Stand The Motion Pictures)

Type Cardname Gametext
Blue Alert
(Voyager, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Each of your Intrepid-class ships and ships with no staffing requirements may use 2 RANGE to land or take off once each turn. Also, your shuttlecraft may be carried aboard and launched from your ships that have Tractor Beam. (Captain's Order.)
Captain's Log
(Voyager/ Alternate Universe, uncommon)
Plays on table. Each of your ships with its matching commander aboard is WEAPONS and SHIELDS +3. (Captain's Order.)
Crew Reassignment
(Dominion, uncommon)
Plays on table. Your [Ent-E] personnel may staff ships as [Stf]. Also, each of your personel with a special staffing icon may report to your ship with same icon. (Captain's Order.)
(First Contact, common)
Nullifies Auto-Destruct Sequence (unless Fractal Encryption Code present), Red Alert or Static Warp Bubble. OR Erases an Away Team of only [Holo] personnel. (Captain's Order.)
Defiant Dedication Plaque
(Deep Space Nine, rare)
Plays on table. Each of your ships with its matching commander aboard is RANGE +2, or +3 if ship is Defiant class. (Not cumulative. Captain's Order.)
Divert Power
(Voyager, uncommon)
Plays on table. At start of each of your turns, one of your ships with ENGINEER (or [Nav] Borg) aboard may “transfer power” until start of your next turn; subtract 1 from two of its attributes and add 2 to the remaining attribute. OR Plays on your ship with ENGINEER (or [Def] Borg) and Computer Skill aboard. WEAPONS or SHIELDS are +4 until start of your next turn, then discard objective. (Captain's Order.)
Duj SaQ
(Motion Pictures, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Your B'rel-class ships may each use 1 RANGE to land or take off once each turn, ans may report on planets that have a matching affiliation icon. (Captain's Order.)
Establish Landing Protocols
(Deep Space Nine, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Each of your ships which has no staffing requirements may use 1 RANGE to land or take off once each turn. (Captain's Order.)
Lower Decks
(Alternate Universe/Voyager, uncommon)
Plays on table. Each of your non-holographic, universal personnel is attributes all +2. (Captain's Order.)
Mission Debriefing
(First Contact/Voyager, uncommon)
[HA] Seeds or plays on table. Whenever any crew or Away Team finishes a mission attempt (whether successful or not), it is "stopped." (Captain's Order.)
Senior Staff Meeting
(Alternate Universe, uncommon)
Plays on ship with OFFICER, ENGINEER, MEDICAL, SCIENCE, and SECURITY aboard, just before the initial attempt of a space mission. First dilemma encountered is discarded.
(Dominion, uncommon)
Plays on your ship docked at your facility. While you have Miles O'Brien or a SECURITY-classification personnel aboard, ship is WEAPONS +3. (Captain's Order.)
Yellow Alert
(Free Warp Pack / Alternate Universe, common)
Plays on table. While in play, cancels (discard) and prevents Red Alerts AND all your Personnel are each CUNNING +1 (Not cumulative.)