Type | Cardname | Gametext |
Blue Alert
(Voyager, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Each of your Intrepid-class ships and ships with no staffing requirements may use 2 RANGE to land or take off once each turn. Also, your shuttlecraft may be carried aboard and launched from your ships that have Tractor Beam. (Captain's Order.) | |
Captain's Log
(Voyager/ Alternate Universe, uncommon)
Plays on table. Each of your ships with its matching commander aboard is WEAPONS and SHIELDS +3. (Captain's Order.) | |
Crew Reassignment
(Dominion, uncommon)
Plays on table. Your [Ent-E] personnel may staff ships as [Stf]. Also, each of your personel with a special staffing icon may report to your ship with same icon. (Captain's Order.) | |
(First Contact, common)
Nullifies Auto-Destruct Sequence (unless Fractal Encryption Code present), Red Alert or Static Warp Bubble. OR Erases an Away Team of only [Holo] personnel. (Captain's Order.) | |
Defiant Dedication Plaque
(Deep Space Nine, rare)
Plays on table. Each of your ships with its matching commander aboard is RANGE +2, or +3 if ship is Defiant class. (Not cumulative. Captain's Order.) | |
Divert Power
(Voyager, uncommon)
Plays on table. At start of each of your turns, one of your ships with ENGINEER (or [Nav] Borg) aboard may “transfer power” until start of your next turn; subtract 1 from two of its attributes and add 2 to the remaining attribute. OR Plays on your ship with ENGINEER (or [Def] Borg) and Computer Skill aboard. WEAPONS or SHIELDS are +4 until start of your next turn, then discard objective. (Captain's Order.) | |
Duj SaQ
(Motion Pictures, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Your B'rel-class ships may each use 1 RANGE to land or take off once each turn, ans may report on planets that have a matching affiliation icon. (Captain's Order.) | |
Establish Landing Protocols
(Deep Space Nine, common)
Seeds or plays on table. Each of your ships which has no staffing requirements may use 1 RANGE to land or take off once each turn. (Captain's Order.) | |
Lower Decks
(Alternate Universe/Voyager, uncommon)
Plays on table. Each of your non-holographic, universal personnel is attributes all +2. (Captain's Order.) | |
Mission Debriefing
(First Contact/Voyager, uncommon)
[HA] Seeds or plays on table. Whenever any crew or Away Team finishes a mission attempt (whether successful or not), it is "stopped." (Captain's Order.) | |
Senior Staff Meeting
(Alternate Universe, uncommon)
Plays on ship with OFFICER, ENGINEER, MEDICAL, SCIENCE, and SECURITY aboard, just before the initial attempt of a space mission. First dilemma encountered is discarded. | |
(Dominion, uncommon)
Plays on your ship docked at your facility. While you have Miles O'Brien or a SECURITY-classification personnel aboard, ship is WEAPONS +3. (Captain's Order.) | |
Yellow Alert
(Free Warp Pack / Alternate Universe, common)
Plays on table. While in play, cancels (discard) and prevents Red Alerts AND all your Personnel are each CUNNING +1 (Not cumulative.) |