"Borg Swarm"-Deckliste des Farpoint Siegerdecks
Farpoint Stage IV
von Michael Mittelstedt

Artifact: Betazoid Gift Box
Cryosatellite x2
Dilemma: Alien Parasites
Alien Parasites & Rem Fatigue
Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum
Armus - Sticky Situation x2
Balancing Act
Dead End
Edo Probe
Hide and Seek x3
Hippocratic Oath x2
Male´s Love Interest & Plague Ship
Radioactive Garbage Scrow x2
Doorway: Q´s Tent
Space-Time Portal x2
Event: Mission Debriefing
Incident: Service the Collective
Mission: Covert Installation
Expose Covert Supply
Fissure Research
Investigate Legend
Investigate "Shattered Space"
Samaritan Snare
Objective: Establish Gateway x2
Personnel: Tomalak of Borg
Doorway: Alternate Universe Door
Q´s Tent x2
Transwarp Network Gateway x2
Event: Anti Time Anomaly
Interrupt: Adapt: Negate Obstruction x4
Kevin Uxbridge
Objective: Establish Gateway x2
Personnel: Borg Queen x3
Fifteen of Seventeen x 2
Sixteen of Nineteen x8
Tomalak of Borg
Ship: Borg Scout Vessel x 7
Q's Tent - Sidedeck
Doorway: Transwarp Network Gateway
Event: Engage Shuttle Operations
Intermix Ratio
Intruder Force Field
Yellow Alert
Interrupt: A Change Of Plans
Adapt: Negate Obstruction
Palor Toff - Alien Trader
The Devil
Objective: Establish Gateway
Personnel: Fifteen of Seventeen