Romulan-Cardassian Dilemma Solver |
Mission: |
Cardassia Prime, Hardscrabble World
Investigate Sighting
Khitomer Investigation
Romulus, Seat of Power
Supervise Dilithium Mine |
Drawdeck (38) |
Event: |
Feast on the Dying x2
Observer from the Obsidian Order x2 |
Interrupt: |
Comfort Women x3
Protection of the Tal Shiar x3 |
Personnel: |
Darhe'el x2
Elim Garak, Agent of the Obsidian Order x2
Grathon Tolar
Jerax x2
Jorvas x2
Kamala, the perfect mate
Mopak x3
Nel Apgar
Parn x2
Selveth x2
The Viceroy, shinzon's protector x2
Thexor x2 |
Ship: |
D'deridex Advanced
Romulan Scout Vessel x2 |
Dilemmadeck (30) |
Dual: |
Antedean Assassins x2
Center of Attention x3
Chula: Echoes x3
Chula: Pick One to Save Two x2
Equipment Malfunction x2
Pinned Down x3
Temptation x3
Unscientific Method |
Planet: |
A Living Death x2
Armus: Roulette x2
Trabe Grenade x2 |
Space: |
Enemy Boarding Party
Maglock x2
Personal Duty x2 |