Green Weenie | |
Mission: | Amnesty Talks Investigate Sighting Khitomer Investigation Romulus, Seat of Power Supervise Dilithium Mine |
Drawdeck (36) | |
Event: | The Reman Mines x3 |
Interrupt: | Escape x2 |
Personnel: | Alidar Jarok Chagrith x2 Cretak Donatra Dralvak x2 Etana Jol Jorvas x2 Mopak Nel Apgar Noram x2 Sabrun Selveth Serova Shinzon, Romulan Praetor x3 Tal’Aura Talvin x2 The Viceroy, Shinzon's Protector x3 Thexor x2 |
Ship: | D’deridex x3 |
Dilemmastapel (24) | |
Dual: | Chula: Echoes x3 Chula: Pick One to Save Two x3 Pinned Down x3 Skullduggery x2 Unscientific Method x2 |
Planet: | Pursuit Just Behind x2 Trabe Grenade x3 |
Space: | Command Decisions x2 Explosive Decompression x2 Personal Duty x2 |