Bajoran/Federation Speed |
Mission: |
Acquire Illicit Explosives
Bajor, Gift of the Prophets
Earth,Cradle of the Federation
Explore Black Cluster
Geological Survey |
Draw-Deck (48) |
Event: |
Astrometrics Lab
Just Like Old Times x2
Rescue Captives
Tapestry |
Interrupt: |
Power to the Shields
Quantum Slipstream Drive
Souls of the Dead x3 |
Personnel – Bajoran: |
Bareil Antos, esteemed vedek
Benjamin Sisko - The Emissary of the Prophets x2
Brilgar x2
Kira Nerys, colonel kira x2
Lupaza, resistance fighter
Mora Pol, pioneering scientist
Odo, constable
Rom, diagnostic and repair technician
Shakaar Edon, resistance leader
Trazko , hired muscle
Winn Adami, kai of bajor |
Personnel – Federation: |
Alyssa Ogawa, Enterprise Medical Assistant
Andrea Brand
Beverly Crusher, Chief Medical Officer
Davies x2
Deanna Troi, Guide and Conscience
Gideon Seyetik
Kathryn Janeway, Wry Admiral
Leyton, Chief of Starfleet Operations
Elizabeth Shelby, Formidable Presence
Wesley Crusher, Prodigy
William T. Riker, Number One |
Personnel – Non-Aligned: |
Grathon Tolar
Kamala, The Perfect Mate
Nel Apgar
Pran Tainer
Tosk |
Ship - Bajoran: |
Bajoran Scout Vessel x2 |
Ship – Federation: |
U.S.S. Enterprise-E, Federation Envoy
U.S.S. Excelsior
U.S.S. Nebula |