German Version / Deutsche Version!

Con-Schedule - Tournament Rules - Entry Fee & Accommodation - Venue - Registration

Since 2000 the Grand Prix has attracted over 100 different players from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary and the USA. This convention has fascinated players with exclusive prize-support and interesting tournament formats. This year it is again a meeting place where young and old, new and seasoned players will duel, discuss and celebrate the Star Trek Customizable Card Game. All to uphold a fine tradition - to have fun together with the 2nd Edition and to experience the special feeling of a convention.


Friday, 02.09.2005
Starttime Tournamentname Tournamentformat/rounds entry fee
14:00 Random Affiliation Constructed Constructed (4x à 1h) 5 EUR
19:00 Multiplayer TeamPlay Constructed (3-4x à 1,5h) 10 EUR
Saturday, 03.09.2005
Starttime Tournamentname Tournamentformat/rounds entry fee
10:00 GRAND PRIX Constructed (6x à 1h)
zzgl. 2 Finalrunden
10 EUR
19:00 barbecue break (inc. sausage, meat, salad and beverages - only with advance reservation!!!) 5 EUR
20:00 To the Common People Constructed (4x à 50min) 5 EUR
20:00 1E Open Constructed (optional) Constructed (4x à 1h) 5 EUR
24:00 Booster Draft Sealed (3x à 1h) 10 EUR
Sunday, 04.09.2005
Starttime Tournamentname Tournamentformat/rounds entry fee
10:00 Premiere Series Regional Constructed (6x à 1h) 10 EUR
18:00 STCCG AWARDS 2005 Ceremony

Tournament Rules

Random Affiliation Constructed
In this format each player will play an affiliation which will be given randomly a week before the tournament. That is why only pre-registerd players can participate. The only special rule is, that only the given HQ may be used. It is recommended to use Quarren Labor Shortage but that is not a must. Apart from this all the normal rules apply.
Multiplayer TeamPlay
A team consist of two players and plays against another team in a 4-player-round. Team members sit together on one side on the table and are allowed to show each other their hand and drawn dilemmas to agree on tactics. Team members are not opponents when it comes to card effects. Apart from this all the normal rules apply. This tournament will not be used for Decipher-ranking.
The Grand Prix is the main event of the convention which is named after it. While this event has been carried out annually since 2000, it has attracted over 100 different players and prizes with an aggregate value of several thousand Euros have been distributed. This year it will feature (in addition to several other items) vouchers for 200 Euro for Fantasy-In (which can be used directly in the shop or online):
  • 100 EUR for the winner
  • 65 EUR for runner-up
  • 35 EUR for the third place of the final-round
All players will be distributed by their Decipher Constructed Lifetime-Rating into three groups. The best two players of each group will be paired after 6 Rounds in the finals. The two winners with the highest scores continue to the second, "real" final. The categories are:
  • up to 1599 points: Amateur
  • up to 1699 points: Experienced
  • 1700 points and above: Professional
Decklists are mandatory, normal rules apply and the tournament is used for Decipher-rating.
To the Common People
The Common People Format is created especially for new players, here every player has to build a deck from a small and easily accessible card pool - because rare cards are forbidden! Only the following cards are permitted:
  • all cards with rarity S, C und U (Starter, Common, Uncommon)
  • cards with rarity R, P, A or D (Rare, Premium/Promo, Archive, DGMA) are NOT allowed!
Game duration is limited to 50 minutes - besides of this all the normal rules apply. This tournament will not be used for decipher-ranking.
Booster Draft
Booster Draft is a Sealed Deck Format which follows the draft rules: each player is handed one of the six starters (on loan) and 4 Booster Reflections 2.0, which are used to draft (drafted cards from the boosters will be retained by the players). In groups of 6 Players (all with different starters) each player opens the first booster and chooses one card. After choosing the first card, the remaining cards out of the booster are given away clockwise. Again a card will be chosen and the booster-remains will be given away clockwise. This is repeated until the last card is chosen. This procedure will be repeated with the other boosters, but the second and fourth booster will be given away counterclockwise. This format is very amusing at the end of a day. All the normal rules apply during the game and this tournament will be used for decipher-ranking sealed deck rating.
Premiere Series Regional
The Premiere Series Regional is the successor of the Premiere Series Invitationals and accessible for every player! Additional to prize support of Decipher/DGMA, there are 500F$ for the top 16 Player, which are usable in the Decipher Online Shop . Furthermore the first eight players get Premiere Series Points. Those Points are used on a Premiere Series Event (e.g. on game-fare in Essen) to get a free win in the first or even second round.:
  • Place 1: 125F$, 10 Premier Points (PPs)
  • Place 2: 75F$, 6 PPs
  • Places 3 - 4: 30F$, 4 PPs
  • Places 5 - 8: 25F$, 2 PPs
  • Places 9 - 12: 20F$
  • Places 13 - 16: 15F$
  • each Player will receive a special promo foil!
The tournament will be rated with double k-Value, normal rules apply and decklists are mandatory!

Entry Fee & Accommodation

- Play Only -
Includes all tournement starting fees (incl. Booster Draft material) and the barbecue on saturday. 39 EUR
- Play & Stay -
Includes all tournement starting fees (incl. Booster Draft material), the barbecue on saturday and accommodation & breakfast for the nights of friday to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday (there is no need of youth hostel card). 59 EUR
For Players over 27 years of age the ConCard - Play & Stay is 5 EUR higher.
Single Tickets
Startgeld If you want to book only (a) single tournament(s) the fees mentiond in the schedule apply.
Single Accommodation One accommodation with breakfast (there is no need of youth hostel card) 15 EUR
For Players over 27 years of age each accommodation is 3 EUR higher.
day extra charge (without pre-registration)
ConCard The fee for the ConCard is 10 EUR higher (49 EUR / 69 EUR).
Single Tickets The fee of single tickets increases by 20% to 6 EUR / 12 EUR.
Accommodation Without pre-registration accommodation cannot be guaranteed.
Pre-Registration is possible up to the 26th of August and is valid by bank transfer of the full fee amount until the 29th of August on the account of the organizer - and is non-refundable. If there is no cash receipt in time, the pre-registration is not valid and the day extra charge has to be paid.
Cancellation of the ConCard (possible until 29th of August) there will be a penalty of 10 EUR (ConCard - Play Only) or 30 EUR (ConCard - Play & Stay). In case of non-attendance the card is one-time transferable. In case of non-attendance of a single-ticket there will be no recompense, with cancellation (until 29th of August) there will be a penalty of 20% of each pre-registered tournament but with a maximum penalty of 5 EUR. Single accommodation cannot be refunded, but before the beginning of the convention a transfer to another person is possible.


Deutsche Jugendherberge in Celle
The STCCG Convention takes place near Hannover in the youth hostel of Celle. Celle can be reached by (local) train from Hannover (30 min.), Hannover can be reached by ICE (fast train) and plain. Furthermore you can come with car, parking space is avalible for free.

Weghausstr. 2
29225 Celle


Convention-participants have the possibility to stay at the venue and to get breakfast - on Saturday there will be a barbecue for the players. At the Venue there are beverages and candy automats - so the acquisition from autside the youth hostel is not allowed.