Written by Klim Dokachin at 12 March 2002 23:01:50:
Premiere (WB):
- Alynna Nechayev
- Beverly Crusher
- Data
- Dr. La Forge 2x
- Dr. Leah Brahms 2x
- Jean Luc Picard
- Leah Brahms 2x
- Morgan Bateson 2x
- Neela Daren 2x
- Reginald Barclay
- Shelby 2x
- Sir Isaac Newton 2x
- Tam Elbrun
- Tasha Yar
- USS Brittain
- USS Phoenix
- Vash
- Worf
- Mendak 2x
- Pi
- Sela 2x
- Tomalak
- Toreth
- Duras
- Gowron
- Kargan
- Kurak
- Kurn
- Lursa 2x
- Goddess of Empathy
- Lore Returns
- Warp Core Breach
- Alien Groupie
- Honor Challenge 2x
- Ancient Computer 2x
- Ktarian Game
- Nagilum 2x
- Sarjenka
- Temporal Causality Loop 2x
- Wind Dancer
- Thought Maker 2x
- Time Travel Pod 2x
- Varon-T Disrupter
- Vulcan Stone of Gol
- Avert Disaster
- Cultural Observation x2
- Explore Black Cluster
- Explore Typhone Expanse
- Investigate „Shattered Space“ x2
- Investigate Disappearance
- Investigate Disturbance x2
- Investigate Massacre
- Investigate Rogue Comet
- Investigate Sighting
- Investigate Time Continuum
- Medical Relief
- New Contact
- Pegasus Search
- Seek Life Form
- Study Nebula x2Alternate Universe:
- Tasha Yar Alternate
- Richard Castillo
- Gomtuu
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen
- Stefan DeSeve
- Commander Tomalak
- Decius x2
- Governor Worf x2
- K’mtar
- IKC Fek’Ihr
- Samuel Clemens‘ Pocketwatch x3
- Ressikan Flute
- Cryosatellite
- Receptable Stones
- Risa Shore Leave
- Fissure Research
- FGC-47 ResearchQ-Continuum:
- Stargazer x2
- Tarmin
- Terix x2
- Manheims Dimensional Door
- Doppelganger x2 (welch Ironie)
- Brainwash x3
- Canar x3
- Terraforming Station
- Brute Force
- Compromised Mission
- Plaque PlanetFirst Contact:
- Admiral Hayes
- Lily Sloane
- Temporal Wake
- Queen’s Borg Cube
- Ocular Implants
- Borg Neuroprocessor x2
- Weak Spot
- Magic Carpet Ride OCD
- Antique Machine GunDeep Space Nine:
- Ruwon
- Sakonna
- Tahna Los
- Bareil Antos x2
- Colonel Day
- Vedek Winn x2
- Morka
- Borad
- Aamin Marritza
- Chamber of Ministers
- Alien Gambling Device
- Orb Fragment
- Saltah’Na Clock
- Investigate Rumors x2The Dominion:
- 10 and 01
- Jaresh-Inyo
- Office of the Presindent
- Lovok
- Senator Vreenak
- Zayra
- Empok Nor
- The Great Hall
- The Earring of Li Nalas
- Orb of Prophecy and Change
- Betazed InvasionBlaze of Glory:
- Enrique Muniz
- Ambassador Tomalak
- La Forge Impersonator
- Senator Letant
- Parthok
- Kudak’Etan x3
- Quark Son of Keldar x2
- Worf Son of Mogh
- Jadzia Dax
- Kang
- IKC Negh’Var
- IKC Koraga
- Boone Impersonator
- Gul Madred
- Fajo’s Gallery
- Inside OperationRules of Acquisition:
- Margh
- George Primmin
- Jovis
- Gral
- Omag
- Lurin
- Kreechta
- Writ of Accountability
- Scepter of the Grand Nagus
- Starry NightTrouble with Tribbles:
- Mr. Spock
- Lt. Bashir
- Deep Space Staion K-7
- IKC Gr’oth
- Thot Gor
- Council of Warriors
- Chula: The Drink
- 1000 Tribbles (Bonus)Mirror Mirror:
- Mr. Tuvok
- Nurse Chapel
- Terran Rebellion HQ
- Security Chief Garak
- Tom Paris
- Fesarius
- Regency 1
- The Art of Diplomacy
- Halkan CouncilVoyager:
- Tuvok
- Sulan
- Karden
- Nevala x2
- Restore Victims x2
- Astral Eddy
- Magistrate Drang (S)
- Radioactive Garbage Scow (S)
- Lack of Preparation (S)
- Hazardous Duty (S)
- Engineering Kit (S)The Borg:
- Riley Frazier (Fed.)
- Gegis
- Kohlar x2
- Fennim
- Karon
- Idrin
- Gann
- Jorik x2
- Decaren
- Venatic Hounter
- IKC Voq’leng
- Harness Particle 010 x2Holodeck Adventures:
- Teero Anaydis
- The E.C.H.
- Kejal
- Crell Moset
- Arachnia
- Falcon x2
- Frank Hollander
- Secret Agent Julian Bashir
- Barash x2
- Buster Kincaid
- Carlos x2
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lily
- Minuet
- Mona Luvsitt x2
- Mr. Garak
- Professor Moriarty
- Sheriff Worf
- Sigmund Freud
- The City of B’Hala
- The Clown: Playing Doctor
- Ferengi Financial Data Net x2
- Tongo
- Orbital BombardmentSonstiges:
- Admiral McCoy
- The Emissary
- The Traveller
- Dukat of Borg
- The Great Hall (Foiled)
- Office Of the President (Foiled)
- Prakesh (Foiled)
- Computer Weapon & Hyper Aging x2
- Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum
- Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue
- Covert Installation II
- Relief Misson II
- Explore Black Cluster II
- Excavation II x3