Written by Jaglom Shrek [Amb] at 06 December 2001 18:48:27:
12/05/01This special "update" document contains only new or changed Current
Rulings issued since the last Current Rulings document (10/29/01),
plus new rulings from the Holodeck Adventures Rules Supplement.
Rulings marked "Effective upon release of Holodeck Adventures" also
are in effect for any pre-release tournaments for that expansion. A
complete set of Star Trek Customizable Card Game rules for standard
play consists of the following documents, available on the Decipher
website:Rulebook Version 1.7 (August 2000)
Glossary Version 1.7 (August 2000)
Current Rulings (12/05/01 - full version)
SIGNIFICANT RULINGS CHANGES AND CLARIFICATIONS* assimilation - Correction to assimilation of counterparts (species,
etc. remain relevant as for drones).* Cybernetics - The existing Glossary entry is cancelled upon release
of Holodeck Adventures.* gender - Borg drones are considered to have no gender.
* Harness Particle 010 - Clarification of interaction with Resistance
Is Futile.* Holo-projectors - New errata takes effect upon release of Holodeck
Adventures.* In the Zone - Clarification of interactions with Intermix Ratio.
* Q's Fantasy Women - Errata: card is a Q-icon EVENT, not DILEMMA.
* scouting locations - Clarification to last month's ruling.
* Supernova - May no longer be played on the same turn as Tox Uthat,
even if a card allows you to make another card play.* white deprivation - The existing Glossary entry is cancelled upon
release of Holodeck Adventures.
RULINGS* All Threes - When you play this interrupt, reveal the first three
cards and the next three cards from the top of your draw deck in two
sets. You may not rearrange these sets. See any, reveal, in play.* Ar-Q-ologist - The definition of "Q" in this Q-icon dilemma's game
text has no relevance to Mortal Q's CUNNING of Q.* Assimilate Counterpart - See drone.
* assimilation - The first bullet in the section on assimilating
counterparts should read:* He retains his gender for Borg-related cards only. For example, a
counterpart is not affected by Male's Love Interest.* Captain Proton cards - Several cards in the Holodeck Adventures set
represent people and things from Tom Paris' holoprogram based on the
1930s sci-fi serial, The Adventures of Captain Proton. Like the world
of Captain Proton itself, these cards are entirely in
black-and-white. Any icons appearing on them should be treated as
normal, color versions of those icons. Thus, Captain Proton is
treated as a normal, Non-Aligned personnel; also, if you are probing
for Omega Directive and reveal him as your probe card, his special
download icon triggers the "Threat eliminated" outcome.* Children of Light - This incident allows you to capture your
opponent's [Holo] personnel present with (or aboard a damaged ship at
his location) *your* Iden.* Clone Machine - This incident allows you to have more than one copy
of a unique personnel in play (if you report them as specified), but
not more than one version of the same persona. For example, if you
clone Tom Paris, you may not exchange one copy for a Captain Proton
>from your hand. Also, you may download a different version of your
Vorta who just died only if that download will not violate the
persona rule.This incident mentions two missions. Boreth is the premiere mission
Investigate Disturbance. No mission at Mariposa exists yet.* Cybernetics - Effective upon release of Holodeck Adventures. Delete
this Glossary entry. See Cybernetics Expertise.* Cybernetics Expertise - To streamline the comprehensive rules and
improve gameplay, this incident replaces all previously published
rules on the skill of Cybernetics. Personnel with the skill of
Cybernetics now only allow androids to report for free when the
Cybernetics Expertise incident is in play, according to the card's
text.* Cytoplasmic Life-form - For this dilemma, "different personnel" may
include multiple copies of a personnel. For example, a mission with
requirements of Computer Skill x2 + Navigation would require three
personnel to complete, and could be solved with three copies of Sam
Lavelle.* Delta Quadrant Spotial Scission - This incident allows you to have
more than one copy of a unique personnel in play, but not more than
one version of the same persona. For example, if you play two copies
of Tom Paris, you may not exchange one copy for a Captain Proton from
your hand.* disabled - A disabled personnel may not be used to enable game text
requiring that personnel to be "in play".* Dixon Hill - This personnel's skill allows you to ignore the
requirements of a mission only when solving it. Ignoring requirements
is not the same as meeting requirements. For example, if his Away
Team encounters Lack of Preparation and would not have been able to
*meet* the requirements at the start of that mission attempt, they
lose points and are "stopped."* drone - You may not target a drone with Assimilate Counterpart or
any card that targets a male personnel. See gender.* Eli Hollander - This personnel is not a version of the Data
persona, but he is "any Data."* Fifth - This personnel cannot return to hand a [BO] objective which
has been completed and relocated. It is no longer in play, but is a
point marker.* Frank Hollander - This personnel is not a version of the Data
persona, but he is "any Data."* gender - Borg drones are considered to have no gender, even if
gender-specific pronouns are used in their lore.* Harness Particle 010 - If this objective doubles the point box of
an objective that has points added by Resistance Is Futile, add
points first and then double.* Holodeck Door - If this doorway is in play on a facility, it allows
your compatible [Holo] cards to report aboard regardless of quadrant.
The doorway is providing the "place to report," not the facility.* holographic personnel - Regardless of their appearance or lore, the
true species of all holographic personnel is "hologram." Thus, Sumek
may not use a Vulcan Nerve Pinch, nor may Data if a [Holo] icon has
been added to him by Holoprogram: 221B Baker Street. Holograms may
still use game text relating to affiliation. For example, when in
Hirogen "mode," Iden may use a Hirogen Talon.* Holoprogram: The Office of Dixon Hill - If your opponent chooses
the first option when you use this incident to request "the item,"
and you choose not to play the card (or if you cannot legally play
it), you may not draw a card.* Holo-projectors - Effective upon release of Holodeck Adventures. Errata:
Plays on a planet mission. [Holo] cards may exist on this planet.
This card, originally printed in the Premiere set, is being reprinted
in the Holodeck Adventures expansion with new game text. This text
supercedes both the original game text and the previously published
errata. All Holo-projectors cards should be treated as having this
revised text.This event, like a Holodeck, allows [Holo] cards to be active on a
planet surface or inside any facility on that planet. It affects both
players' [Holo] cards.* Holosuite - Like all sites, this site allows only personnel native
to the quadrant to report.* In the Zone - For this incident, the points you score during a turn
are the net total of positive and negative points scored. The points
that do not count toward winning are the last positive points scored
during a turn in which you score more than 50 points. For example:* You complete a mission for 45 points. Later that same turn, you
complete a Cytherians dilemma for 15 points, for a total of 60
points. 10 of the 15 Cytherians points do not count toward winning.
* Reversing the previous example, you complete a Cytherians dilemma
and then solve a 45-point mission on the same turn. 10 of the mission
points do not count toward winning.
* Continuing the second example, you then score -5 points from The
Higher... The Fewer in the same turn. You now have a net total of 55
points; 5 of the mission points do not count toward winning.The effects of In the Zone, Intermix Ratio, and Altonia Brain Teaser
are independent (that is, each one could affect the same points). If
you are affected by more than one of these cards, evaluate your
points that count toward winning for each card separately; the lowest
total is your current "points that count toward winning." Example:* You are affected by both Intermix Ratio and In the Zone. You solve
a mission for 30 points and earn a Ressikan Flute with 9 Music
personnel in play. Your actual score is 75. For In the Zone, 25
Ressikan Flute points do not count toward winning, for a "winning
score" of 50. For Intermix Ratio, 15 points do not count towards
winning, for a "winning score" of 60. In the Zone thus limits you to
50 points counting toward winning.
* Next turn you score 15 bonus points for a total score of 90. For In
the Zone, 25 points still do not count toward winning, for a "winning
score" of 65. For Intermix Ratio, 30 bonus points do not count toward
winning, for a "winning score" of 60. Now Intermix Ratio is the card
that limits your score to 60 points toward winning.* Ketracel-White - This Equipment card still counts down if present
with a [KW] personnel at the end of your turn, even if the White
Deprivation incident is not in play. It prevents White Deprivation
>from affecting [KW] personnel.* nemesis icons - If two or more personnel or ships with opposing
nemesis icons are present with each other at the end of a player's
turn, that player must choose one of them to be immediately killed
(personnel) or destroyed (ships), regardless of ownership. For
example, if your Pralor Unit 3947 is on a planet with your opponent's
Cravic Unit 122 at the end of your turn, you must choose one of them
to be discarded. If you have left your Pralor Unit 3947 aboard your
Cravic Warship at the end of your turn, you must choose one to be
discarded. (Of course, if you choose to destroy the ship, all
personnel aboard - including Pralor Unit 3947 - will be killed.)* probing - See Captain Proton cards.
* Q's Fantasy Women - Errata:
This Q-icon card is incorrectly labelled as a DILEMMA. It is a Q-icon
EVENT (as indicated by the game text "Discard event"). It may be
nullified by Kevin Uxbridge (not Q2) and may not be seeded as a [S/P]
dilemma using Beware of Q.* Resistance Is Futile - See Harness Particle 010.
* reveal - When a card such as All Threes tells you to "reveal"
cards, both players are allowed to see the cards.* scouting locations - An objective that allows you to scout a
location requires you to complete scouting for that objective in
order to probe to complete it. For example, if you scout a mission
with Establish Gateway and resolve all dilemmas, then switch to
another objective by downloading A Change of Plans in place of your
normal card draw at the end of your turn, scouting is complete at the
end of that turn for Establish Gateway, but not for the new
objective. You must scout the mission again before scouting is
complete for the new objective.* Seal Rift - This mission allows [AU] cards to report there without
needing an Alternate Universe Door or other doorway allowing [AU]
cards to play.* Sherlock Holmes - If you choose to use this personnel's special
skill, you must continue drawing cards until your hand equals
opponent's. You may not draw fewer cards unless your draw deck is
exhausted.* Sigmund Freud - [AU] personnel and equipment may report to this
personnel only if another card allows [AU] cards to enter play.* Supernova - Delete this sentence from the Glossary entry: "It may
be played on the same turn as Tox Uthat, if a card... allows you to
play another card on the current turn." Tox Uthat's stipulation that
you "may play Supernova on a later turn" is to be considered a
restriction; you may not play Supernova on the same turn you play Tox
Uthat.* Talosian Cage - For this dilemma, your opponent may examine all the
cards in your Away Team before he chooses whether to discard two
randomly selected females or the male with the most [Skill] icons.* Tongo - To "declare a move" for this incident, you must have a bet
to show. There is no winner or loser if your opponent has no bet
(they must show their hand to verify this) or if there is a tie for
highest total attributes.* Twin Mistresses of Evil, The - Each of the personnel on this
dual-personnel card may double the skills of only one Tom Paris or
Harry Kim present.* Voyager-only Formats - Although Holodeck Adventures features
material from other STAR TREK series, all cards in the set that
feature a STAR TREK: Voyager logo (and all new Delta Quadrant
missions) are fully compatible with the Voyager Constructed and
Voyager Warp Speed play formats.* white deprivation - Effective upon release of Holodeck Adventures.
Delete this Glossary entry. See White Deprivation.* White Deprivation - To streamline the comprehensive rules and
improve gameplay, this incident replaces all previously published
rules on "white deprivation." Personnel who have a [KW] icon now only
suffer "white deprivation" when the White Deprivation incident is in
play, according to the card's text. See Ketracel-White.
--Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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