Written by son of targ at 28 November 2001 13:44:45:
As an answer to: written by La-La at 27 November 2001 01:02:08:
>Sorry that I could'nt say good bye to all of you. I had a great time in Celle and it was a pleasure meeting players such as your self. I would like to congradulate all of you for making this possible.
>Guys it was just GREAT.
>Hope we can do this againthanks to you and your fellows from hungry. it was great to have you on this event. it's this kind of internationality that maks somethig like this special. and of course the game we played was the one i enyoyed the most (i remember your visiting the deltaquadrant with your stand-up ferengies, it was fun)
greetings to all of you,till next time,
son of targ
>Laszlo "La-La" Karger-Kocsis