Könnte ihr mal mein Hirogen/Vidiian Deck unter die Lupe nehmem und ...
Written by Aalak Aalak at 26 September 2001 10:49:04:
mir Verbesserungsvorschläge geben? Wäre nett, es läuft zwar ein bisschen aber wirklich gut ist es noch nicht...
Danke schonmal
AalakSecture Station x 2
Hunt Alien
Salvage Operation
Prevent Annihilation
Corner Enemy ShipQ-Tent
Ancestral Vison
Space Door
Temporal Micro Wormhole (Downloads Space Time Portal)
Organ Theft
Defend Homeworld ( I Think it will be Penk -> Hajur)
Quark's Isolinear Rods (Downloads Dorik)
Delta Quadrant Spartial Scisssion
Q-The Referee
Relicts Of The Chase
Vidiian Outpost (Downloads The Vidiian Sodality)
Hirogen Outpost (Downloads Hirogen Hunt)18 Dilemma (Some Tips could be nice to make better combos)
Space Time Portal
Organ Theft
Lower Decks
Vidiian Boarding Claw
Rituals Of The Hunt
Fair Play
Temporal Vortex
Panel Overload
Alternate Universe DoorDraw Deck
Kivas Fajo - Collector x 5
Villagers With Torches
Captain's Log
RegenerateOrgan Theft x2
Q-The Referee
Contaiment Field
Feedback Surge
Hirogen Hunt x 2
Panel Overload
Rituals Of The Hunt
Vidiian Boarding Claw
The Vidiian SodalityNanoprobes Resuraction x 5
Mutation x 2Venatic Hunter x3
Hunting Vessel
Vidiian CruiserVidiian Harvester x 3
Hirogen Disrupter Rifle x 2
Hirogen Talon x 2
Borg NanoprobesNetek
Idrin x 3
Jorik x 2
Karr x 3
Karon x 2
Gann x 3
Turanj x 3Penk
The Pendari Champion x 2
B'Elanna Torres x 2
Seven of Nine x 2
Chakotay x 2Dereth x 3
Danara Pel x3
Thaden x2
Nadirum x2
Sinaren x2
Telari x2