My congratulations to Markus

[ Deutsches STCCG Forum ]

Written by Vladimir Vrbata at 29 August 2001 02:02:05:

I am so sorry that I write this message in English, when I am on Germany ST page, but my Deutsch is not so good to be represent here.
One more time my congratulations to you Markus, for your in my opinion merited victory in decipher European Championship 2001 in ST CCG.
Schade, that we didn't play against each other after Tourny but as you know very well, there wasn't place. Maybe next time in USA or on Grand Prix, where as I hope at least at one of them I will appear. And be sure, that we will have to play against each other because it would be nice for me to beat european Champion 2001 even in friendly game.
I am looking forward to get email from you. Until that take care my friend, Markus, and good luck in your making of ST decks for USA world championship.
Sincelery Vladimir Vrbata


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