Turnierbericht eines L5R-Spielers

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Written by Jaglom Shrek at 02 March 2000 08:44:05:

Hier ein sehr lustiger Bericht eines "Legend of the Five Rings"-Spielers, der zum ersten Mal an einem Star Trek Turnier teilgenommen hat:

>For those of you bored with the recent spate of L5R and assorted card-game
>posts on the list, here's something to take your mind off it...a Star Trek
>tournament report! Ha ha!
>Don't worry L5R'sters, I haven't abandoned the game by any means. I've just
>been introduced to Star Trek recently, found it a laugh, and decided to
>in a tourney over the weekend for the hell of it. For those of you
>unfamiliar with the mechanics of ST, it's simple (sort of): you win by
>getting 100 points, you get points by completing missions, and you stop
>opponent completing missions by playing dilemas. My good friend and Star
>Trek mentor Colm MacFadden built the deck for me, a chunky Romulan
>mission-solving deck with lots of big ships. Romulans, they're nifty.
>Venue: some pub (all CCG tournaments in England are held in pubs
>apparently.) Turn-out: about 13 people. Format: 5 rounds of swiss. My
>chances of winning: slim, considering I'd only been playing the game for 3
>Round 1, vs Romulan/Federation alliance (oops, can't remember the guys
>The Federation are unsurprisingly the Crane of Star Trek - they can't
>anybody, they've got lots of Diplomacy, and they're blue. Unlike the Crane
>however, they're a bit crap in my view. So when this guy has the cheek to
>ally them with the exceptionally cool Romulans, I am not impressed. The
>starts slowly, even though he's got a Red Alert, allowing him to play as
>many personalities as he likes (normally you can only play one a turn).
>After a few preliminary Scans I realise that all his dilemas are far too
>good for me to overcome, so I hatch a cunning and typically Romulan plan. I
>decide to attempt his Romulan missions and face my own cruddy dilemas
>instead. This works a treat, and a shock victory is mine some time later.
>Final score: 100 - 5.
>Round 2, vs Bajorans (Colm MacFadden)
>Curses, paired against the guy who taught me the game and built my deck.
>This promised to be remarkably unpretty, especially since Colm was out for
>blood after I trounced his Dominion deck the night before. The omens looked
>bad from the start: The Emissary, Kira and Odo had all hit the table before
>I had a chance to drink my pint. Before long they were flying a shuttle to
>rescue Li Nalas and his Earring from the dastardly Cardassians, netting an
>Orb of Wisdom in the process. Then they all went home to DS9 for some
>shopping on the promenade and a few games of Dabo. Seriously. As a last
>desperate measure I tried to land an invasion force in the station, but
>before I could even reach it Colm got his 100 points. D'oh.
>Final score 35 - 100
>Round 3, vs Bajorans again.
>Luckily this deck wasn't quite as potent as Colms. It relied on a armada of
>Bajoran interceptors flying around the place like a horde of angry wasps.
>Romulan cloaking technology keeps me safe from their sting however, and
>I figure out how to get past his big dilemas (Dal'rok, the Sheliak and
>friends) the points are mine. He stages a scary last minute points-gaining
>assault, but when time is called I'm still in the lead.
>Final score 60 - 35 (I think).
>Round 4, vs Ferengi (Stuart).
>Sturat is apparently famed for building the most annoying decks in
>existence, and this was no exception. It was damned fast too, during his
>first turn alone he managed to play nearly every Ferengi under the sun, a
>couple of rules of aquisition, lots of latinum, and a ship to carry them
>around in. By this stage I was so confused by what was going on I decided
>just to concentrate on my own side of things. This seemed to work for a
>while, until he played the Traveller and transported his ship opposite
>Then his Ferengi start Blackmailing my guys and other such ferengi-ish
>stuff. It looks pretty grim for a while until I manage to cloak and avoid
>Quark and co. Things get worse when I realise he's placed the same bloody
>annoying dilema combo under each of my missions. Luckily things don't work
>out too well for him either. In a desperate bid to get points he lands all
>his guys on a planet, only for half of them to get blown away by a
>dilema! With time runing out and me still barely in the lead Stuart
>a desperate attack on my flagship, the Haakana, damaging it badly in the
>process. This leads to my most satisfying moment of the tournament, as I
>decloak the Cha'Joh (commanded by Lursa and Betor) beside Quark's ship and
>vaporise it with a couple of well-aimed plasma torpedos. That'll teach them
>Big Ears to mess with the Romulan/Klingon alliance.
>Final score: errr, can't remember. I won.
>Final round, vs Federation Wormhole.
>This game demonstrated to me just how badly you can lose in Star Trek if
>don't have the right counters. I'm immediately suspicious when this guy
>plays a mission in the Delta Quadrant that he can't complete. My suspicions
>are confirmed when I try to move one of my ships - he plays a couple of
>Wormholes and soon the entire Romulan cast of Star Trek is a million light
>years from where they're supposed to be. I skulk around the Delta Quadrant
>while he gets to 100 points. Grim.
>Final score 30 - 100.
>Apart from the final game, a surprisingly succesful tournament for myself.
>place 5th out of 13, until Ringo the organiser realises his maths are crap
>and that I actually came 8th. Still, not bad for a beginner. It was fun,
>the guys are a dead sound bunch. Still, it's no replacement for a good game
>of L5R .
>Quotes of the day -
>"Wooommm, the Cha'Joh decloaks, target main deflectors full weapons, give
>a full spread of plasma torpedos, blam blam, BOOOOMMMM, arrrggghhh..." -
>getting rather excited in the fourth round.
>"Who would win in a fight between Kirk and Bruce Lee?" - Guy in bar.
>"Shut up and get a life" - Rest of bar.
>"What if Bruce Lee had a phaser?"


"Did I tell you about my recurring dream, where I'm a Bajoran Personnel
card, and see everything in slow motion, like someone playing a card on my
head, and that I can't find my legs? Really odd. Especially when I've flown
through the Wormhole and beamed down to pick up Orbs and met Sarjenka..."
- Colm McFadden, e-mail extravert


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