Holmes/Watson & Clone Machinbe Klarifikation
Geschrieben von Jaglom Shrek [Amb] am 29. Dezember 2001 04:00:57:
>Holmes and Watson sais "at begining of your turn", can
>you do the two actions in the same turn ¿?, can you
>first discard the hand with watson and then draw with
>holmes ¿?Yes. You can perform as many "start of turn" actions as you like, in any order.
>If I use the clone machine with one Picard and i have
>2 picard ... the gametext is not cumulative, that
>means that i have only one set of skill if the 2 are
>toguether ¿?
>What appens with cloned personel like John Doe ... can
>i prevent 2 deaths ¿?It depends on what kind of skills you are talking about and how you
want to use them. Two copies of Jean-Luc Picard (premiere) can
provide 2 Navigation to overcome a dilemma or solve a mission, just
as two universal copies of a personnel can do that. That's not what
cumulativity is about; the skills don't "affect" (modify) the dilemma
or mission in any way. On the other hand, two Jean-Luc Picards cannot
both score 5 points for a ressikan Flute, just as two universal
McKnights cannot. With a Ressikan Flute, the personnel with Music are
actually modifying the Flute, by changing its X point value.And if you mean special skills, two Jean-Luc Picards (FC) cannot both
use their special download icons for Make It So, because special
downloads are limited to once per game, no matter how many copies you
have in play.John Doe's special skill is labelled "once per turn". Again, that
means you can use it once per turn, no matter how many copies you
have in play. The exception to that rule is for cards with a
universal icon, and John Doe is not universal.
--Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
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