Antwort vom Major bzgl. Frage zu ASP und TMW

[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]

Geschrieben von Jaglom Shrek [Amb] am 26. November 2001 13:59:45:

>Hi Major and all,
>I have 2 1/2 rules questions I didn't solve:
>1a) - Is it possible to download a cardassian support personnel directly to
>a Mirror Terok Nor (cardassian mode) - and may I chose to which site he will
>be downloaded?

Yes and yes.

> b) - I have a Emblem of the Alliance on table. Is it possible to download a
>Klingon KCA support personnel to that nor? [I thought NO because altough he
>is matching according to the site's gametext he's not matching according to
>ASP's requrements]

No. A Klingon KCA would be considered to "match" the Nor only if Ops:
Mirror Universe is on the Nor and only for "purposes related to its
sites". ASP is not related to the Nor's sites.

>2) - I have a ISS Enterprise and want do download Chief Engineer Scott with
>its special download. May I use TMW's discard function to mix him with my
>other affiliations (because I'd reported him on the ship)?

No. A special download supplies you with the place to report the
personnel; by default, it means "download here" (anywhere at the
location). TMW can be used to supply the reporting location (which is
part of using the discard to get the mixing allowance) only if the
card doing the download does not already supply the reporting

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]