Der Major zu "Access Denied"

[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]

Geschrieben von Luthy Sloan am 22. November 2001 21:57:38:

Durch den etwas misslungenen einsatz des Wortes "targeting" ist die Major antwort leider nicht genau zur missverstandenen Frage.
Es heißt jedoch in der Majors antwort: Eine Mission, die jeder gesedeed hat (unique M.) ist als seine eigene zu betrachten. Deshalb bin ich weiterhin der Meinung, die Frage ist damit geklärt (Wenn Access Denied in play, kann kein spieler duplicate unique Space Missionen mit Establish Gatheway targeten). Wenn jemand anderer Meinung ist, möge er mir bitte bescheid sagen, dann schreib ich noch eine Mail an den Major.

Nun die Mail:

>Question about the secound part of Access Denied: "Also, while in
>play, nullifies
>all Establish Gateway objectives targeting your missions."
>can access denied target a unique Space Mission which both players
>have seeded?

I'm not sure what you mean by "targeting" the mission. You must treat
a duplicated mission as your mission, but Access Denied plays on an
opponent's mission. For you, it is not your opponent's mission -- it
is yours. So you cannot place it on a duplicated unique mission.

>I think yes. Such a unique Space mission is treated for both players
>as "their"
>mission like Q´s Planet (if both players play it) (CR). Because it´s also "my"
>mission, I can target it with access denied and according to the card *all*
>Establish Gatheways are nullified.
>So, if any player has access denied in play, both player may no longer target
>such a space mission with establish gatheway, right?

This is a different question, I think. If either player has any
Access Denied in play on any mission, then that player's missions may
not be targeted with Establish Gateway.

Jolan tru,

Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)

Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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[ Fragen an Dr. Csont ]