Was MAJOR RAKAL dazu sagt:
Geschrieben von Luthy Sloan
am 11. Oktober 2001 13:39:54:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Cure = Aktion? geschrieben von Luthy Sloan am 06. Oktober 2001 01:08:23:
cure ist also eine Aktion, nicht mit frisch ungestoppten personen, ausführbar ist, da zuerst noch die start-of-turn aktions ausgeführt werden (kill durch Ankari spirits)
Jedoch kommt man bei Ankari spirits noch bis zum cure, bevor man gestoppt ist, kann es also noch kurz vor dem "gestoppt sein" durch erste Bedingung machen.
>if I have Ankari Spirts encountered and fail to overcome the condition two
>personnel die.
>When can I cure the dilemma? After failing to overcome the conditions my
>personnel aboard that ship are stopped and cannot cure the dilemma. Is that
>correct?They are not stopped until you finish resolving the dilemma. once the
two personnel are killed, if you still have the skills left to cure
it, it is cured immediately. Then the crew is stopped.>
>Is "cure" an action? I think yes. It is not possible to cure the
>dilemma, before
>another 2 Personnel die unless you have another crew with unstopped
>personnel to
>cure the dilemma. At the start of your turn your crew will be unstoppt, but
>cannot cure immediatly, because other start-of-turn actions happens before
>"normal"-actions. Is that correct?Curing a dilemma is an action, yes. The kill at the start of your
next turn will happen first.
--Jolan tru,
Major Rakal
(Kathy McCracken)Tal Shiar Agent and Star Trek CCG Intelligence Officer
DECIPHER INC. The Art of Great Games (tm)
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