Geschrieben von Dr.Csont,Medicine Entity am 03. September 2001 09:23:35:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Doc sprich mal ein Machtwort geschrieben von Luthy Sloan am 02. September 2001 20:24:52:
Aus dem Glossary:
TIME TO RECONSIDER - You may play this interrupt to "stop" your ship and crew on your turn, but it will have no effect on an opponent's ability to counter-attack on his turn (because it only prevents a counter-attack "this turn").
If you attacked your opponent this turn, you may play the interrupt on your ship during his turn to prevent him from counter-attacking.Bezüglich Counter-attacking:
* If your opponent attacks you, during your next turn you may initiate one or more counter-attacks against any or all of your opponent's ships, Away Teams, facilities, crews (if you have a way to beam through the SHIELDS), etc. which are still at the location of the opponent's attack, regardless of the form of the original attack. When you counter-attack, no leader or [Def] personnel is required and no affiliation restrictions apply. Your opponent, on his next turn, may then initiate his own counter-attack, and so on. Counter-attacking is always optional. A counter-attack is a new battle, not a "continuation" of the previous battle.Das Machtwort:
Während des eigenen Zuges kann man TTR (Time to reconsider) spielen um eins seiner eigenen Schiffe zu stoppen. Es verhindert nicht, daß der Gegner einen Gegenschlag (Counter-Attack) durchführt in seinem Zug, da TTR auf "diesen Zug" beschränkt ist. (Zurückschießen bei einem Angriff ist KEIN Counterattacking)
Wenn man den Gegner angegriffen hat, kann man TTR im Zug des Gegners spielen um Counter-Attacks zu verhindern, dabei sind unter Counter-Attacks alle Kämpfe des Gegners zu verstehen, die gegen unsere Truppen an der Location an der wir seine Truppen in der letzten Runde angegriffen haben durchgeführt werden.